A Guide On How To Make a Career Out of Travel Blogging

In conversation with Pankaj Nath, a travel and photography enthusiast whose love for travel has made him constantly looking for reasons to @outtoroam. He shares his travel stories through his Instagram page. While money may not be the fuel for life, but it certainly is the currency for meeting your wanderlust needs. So, imagine how life would be if you were paid to travel? Can one really make a career out of travel blogging? Also Read – Penis Shaped Island Discovered by a Woman in The Middle of Pacific Ocean on Google Maps

Most people don’t confess it but deep down we all dream of traveling the world and living a nomadic life. Secretly we all aspire to visit every country of the world and explore the beautiful places that we often see in pictures and videos. However, there are two main problems are standing between you and your big traveling dream. Wondering what it is? It’s money and time.

If you have a steady income coming through business or job, your money problem bit is already been taken care of. However, what will you do if you don’t have time? You need to be financially strong or have people who are ready to fund you in your travel endeavours.

What if you travel the world and someone would pay you for it? Will that be a dream job for you? Did you know that some people earn an income out of documenting travel experiences? Sounds exciting, right? Yes, I am talking about a career in travel blogging.

Wondering how you can start your travel blogging career? Simply create a blogging website and start publishing your original articles on it. Now the bigger question remains unanswered, how “Can you really make a Career out of Travel Blogging?”

My answer to this question is simple. “Yes, this can be done.” But building a career in travel blogging is not an easy game. Like any other business, it would take time and a lot of patience before you can actually see a decent income flow coming in. To come to this level, you would need a lot of hard work on your end to be done on an everyday basis.

So, before you decide to commit yourself to this, think hard and fast if you have the required time and resources to sustain during this time. Also do keep in mind that travel blogging would need you to go out and travel quite a bit so that you can provide a real first-hand experience to the readers.

If time and the initial investment are not a problem, then go ahead and make your website with a simple layout and few original articles. My suggestion would be that you shouldn’t invest too much in designing the website at this stage. Once you go live with your blog, start uploading fresh content on regular basis. Do it for a couple of months and you may see results.

And remember, that just uploading your experiences alone is not going to guarantee any substantial income. Invest in writing good content because, at the end of the day, that is what will drive traffic to your website. And this traffic would help you make some money through Google ads. But that amount would be very small, and you would have to venture into allied activities to make travel blogging your full-time career. Posting sponsored articles on your blog, doing freelance work for publications and travel magazines, running affiliate programs on your blog, selling courses and tutorials are few other ways to boost your income. Most of your revenue would come through these allied services. You can also get sponsored trips by writing articles about the place of your visit. That’s also an income in kind, as you get to travel free of cost.

At the moment, there are a lot of travel bloggers competing for the listing on 1st page of google search. But the good news is that though there are innumerable blogs available on the internet, very few of them are actually publishing good quality content. So, if you are writing good quality content on regular basis, you would surely get to see good results.

There are few more ways to increase your income level. Try clicking pictures or making videos while you are travelling. Learn the skills required to create a good quality picture and video content. You can sell this to sponsors as a package and charge more money. Be present on social media platforms and post content there also. If you manage to get a decent fan following on social media, your earning will increase dramatically.

In addition to all the things that I have mentioned above, you will have to do a whole lot of networking with agencies and brands just to get some sponsored work out of them. You will have to learn SEO, social media marketing, and other verticals of digital marketing so that you can properly promote your blog effectively. Personally, if you ask me some investment will go into actually acquiring these skill sets. So, go ahead and invest in your future.

In order, for you to be successful in your new travel blogging career, you need to work hard on your language skills. Because words will be your bread and butter, so spend time brushing up your writing skills. You should be able to put down your thoughts in a proper readable format. Secondly, you need to understand SEO well. A good SEO can make your article rank in google search results, thereby bringing more readers to your blog. Knowledge of other digital marketing domains like social media marketing, CRM, performance marketing, affiliate marketing, etc would help you a lot in promoting your blog.

That’s not all basic understanding of photography, videography, and editing is something that would add a whole lot of value to your blog. Though certain things should be left for experts, like website designing, I would still recommend having some understanding of it so that you don’t have to spend money even for minor changes on your blog.

You can follow Pankaj Nath on his official Instagram handle @outtoroam. 
