Managing a full-time job with dream travel goals

There is no concept of born traveller, it mostly starts with that one accidental travel, says travel blogger Chandan Sharma

By HTC , New Delhi

PUBLISHED ON FEB 12, 2021 01:39 PM IST

With a full-time job it doesn’t sounds like one can travel a lot, isn’t it? But once you get bitten by the travel bug, everything is possible, and trust me it isn’t so difficult as I have done that. I’m an investment banker and I’ve travelled across 34 countries and 20+ states in India in last 10 years. How do I do it? Let me explain it to you here.

There is no concept of born traveller, it mostly starts with that one accidental travel which probably went so well that you want to do it again and again. And once you start, soon you realise that travelling is irresistible and from there on, no matter what happens, you’ll make time for travelling.

My accidental travel was when I decided to visit Cambodia back in 2012, after visiting the beautiful AngkorWat temple I went to a pub nearby where I met another traveler from Poland. I casually asked her what do you do? She responded saying “I work as waitress. I work for six month and whatever money I make, I use that to travel for next six months”. It was astonishing. My immediate thought was how I wish I can do that too, but I knew I can’t quit my job but I can plan better. I made a simple plan – every six months one big travel and a small trip in three months time.

First, I started with visiting South East Asian countries and slowly to Europe and bit of Africa and in my small trips I went around various states in India. Each country has its own unique charm, thus keeping you tempted to travel more.

Now when I look back, I see that I crossed across 34 countries covering many big cities and small towns, each unique and beautiful in its own way. Many people ask me how I manage travel so much between my full-time job? My answer simply is, if you really want to travel than it’s not so hard, everyone has same number of free days, either we can eat sleep and repeat or we can get up, plan and travel.

(By Chandan Sharma, IG travel_freak_mr_sharma)

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