New Zealand travel bubble pops as ACT announces new restrictions

New travel restrictions for passengers from New Zealand were announced by the ACT Government late yesterday afternoon, 25 February, in keeping with a similar decision made by the New South Wales Government.

People arriving in the ACT who have been in Auckland in the fortnight prior to their arrival in Australia will now be required to quarantine, following an outbreak of COVID-19 in the neighbouring country’s most populated city.

The decision includes a mandate that travellers from New Zealand who are already in the ACT and have been in Auckland on or after 20 February must get tested and isolate until they get a negative result.

This excludes transits via Auckland Airport.

Travellers who visited a location of interest – including a Kmart and vape bar – within the dates specified must quarantine until 14 days after they were last in the location of interest.

“Travellers from New Zealand should check the New Zealand Ministry of Health website to keep up to date with any new exposure sites,” the ACT announcement said.

“They should also continue monitoring themselves very closely for symptoms of COVID-19 and get re-tested if they develop any symptoms, no matter how mild.”

Every Australian state and territory has announced new travel restrictions for travellers from New Zealand, with varying degrees of severity, popping the one-sided travel bubble indefinitely.

Within New Zealand, face coverings are now mandatory on all public transport and domestic flights.

The Australian Government advises against travelling to New Zealand due to the health risks from the COVID-19 pandemic and significant disruptions to global travel.

The number of negative tests recorded in the ACT is now over 170,000.

There have been over 500 COVID-19 vaccinations administered by the ACT Government since the rollout began earlier this week.

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