A plastic surgery addict has revealed how she was granted a ‘medical exemption’ to break lockdown travel restrictions and fly to Belgium for her fifth boob job.
Star Delguidice, 31, from Birmingham, has spent £23,500 on operations to change the size of her breasts over the last 14 years.
The first four procedures were augmentations but the most recent one, carried out last month, was a reduction, bringing her GG cup breasts down to a D cup.
When lockdown travel restrictions were enforced, Star refused to cancel her appointment at a Belgian clinic and applied for a medical exemption, claiming her breasts were causing crippling back pain and anxiety.
Rules state UK citizens are allowed to travel abroad under a medical exemption is ‘urgent medical care’ is needed or if it is for a pre-planned procedure.

Star Delguidice, 31, from Birmingham, has spent £23,500 changing her breast size since the age of 17. She is pictured following latest surgery

Star is pictured aged 17 before plastic surgery, the self-confessed addict has spent thousands on treatments

Star was granted a ‘medical exemption’ after claiming her giant boobs were causing anxiety and crippling back pain. She is pictured before the reduction
After the success of her first surgery, she’s planning on travelling to Colombia later this year for Brazilian Bum lift surgery.
Star travelled to Belgium on January 21 to undergo a breast reduction and uplift. Star spent just 48 hours in the country and travelled via the Eurostar.
She said she self-isolated for two weeks on her return to the UK. It came just weeks before Boris Johnson introduced strict hotel quarantine restrictions for those returning to the UK from high risk countries.
Now, three weeks after her operation, Star is recovering from her operation and says it’s her last breast surgery as she’s now thrilled with her smaller chest.
Star, who forked out £7,500 on her fifth breast surgery, said: ‘I have been respectful of the lockdown rules as since returning to the UK I have self-isolated.
‘I had to go abroad for this surgery as the cost was half of the price here.
‘The surgeon was the best and I could barely walk without being in pain before my surgery.
‘My breast size had ballooned to a 32GG and I couldn’t go out and about without being laughed at.
‘I’ve had five boob jobs in total now as I had my first ever operation aged 17.
‘My first four breast surgeries cost £16,000 as they were £4,000 each.
‘But my latest one was £7500 as it was a much bigger job.
‘I needed to have a reduction and uplift at the same time.
‘If I had this surgery in the UK it would have cost more than £15,000 and I would have needed two operations not one.
‘I’m hoping this is now my last as I have spent a small fortune all together.’
Despite only just returning from Belgium, Star, is hoping to book Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery later this year in Columbia.
She added: ‘After the nightmare I had with my bum implants, which left me looking like I was wearing a nappy, I do now need a bum lift.

Stare avoided the lockdown travel restrictions by going abroad for her fifth boob job after being laughed at for her 32GG breasts

Star is pictured in Brussels after the surgery. After the success of her first surgery, she’s planning on travelling to Coloumbia later this year for Brazilian Bum lift surgery

Swapping her 32GG cup size for a more modest D, Star says that for the first time in months has she been able to walk pain free

Star spent just 48 hours in the country and travelled via the Eurostar. Now, three weeks later, Star is recovering from her operation and says it’s her last breast surgery as she’s now thrilled with her smaller chest

Star, pictured at her home in Birmingham, who forked out £7500 on her fifth breast surgery, said: ‘I have been respectful of the lockdown rules as since returning to the UK I have self-isolated.

Star’s old implants are pictured. She has gone from a 32GG to a more modest D cup
‘I won’t be having any more silicone added in there but my bum doesn’t have a shape.
‘I had a date for my corrective surgery in Columbia but it was cancelled due to coronavirus.’
Star is now adjusting to life with her smaller 32D bust and hopes to give others hope who are struggling to get cosmetic surgery dates abroad.
She added: ‘If you desperately need the surgery like I did then there’s options.

Despite only just returning from Belgium, Star, is hoping to book Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery later this year in Columbia. She poses with her old implants

Star Delguidice poses with her new boobs holding her old implants which she kept
‘I had a last minute appointment crop up and it was an opportunity that I couldn’t miss.
‘As I own more than one property I save for all of my surgeries myself.
‘I have had more than 150 procedures on my face and body since I was a teenager and I’m not finished yet.
‘I don’t want any other boob jobs though, I think five is enough.
‘Now my breast size is much smaller than before I’m hopeful that once I’m recovered I won’t have an more aches and pains.’

Star says this will be her last boob job as ‘five are enough’ but is planning a BBL later this year