Travel Advisor seeing an increase in traveling as vaccinations become available

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) -A Travel Advisor says she is seeing an increase of traveling as more vaccinations become available for Americans across the country.

Rebecca Henry a travel advisor for Cruise Planners An American Express travel representative books flights, cruise lines, resorts, and attractions. She says she has noticed a few trends in traveling.

“Beaches in Florida and trips out west are really popular right now,” said Henry.

Prices to travel are climbing in the United States, but she says internationally there’s a lot of travel deals.

“Mexico is hot right now and the deals are fantastic. The Caribbean Islands they’re struggling they’ve been shut down. They make their living off of tourism,” said Henry.

Henry has helped people book cabins on cruise ships operating out of the Caribbean to avoid restrictions in the United States.

“The cruise ships are even doing contract tracing, so they can accurately tell you if someone comes down with COVID onboard the ship,” said Henry. “They can trace anyone who has been near you for more than 15 minutes and isolate those people.”

Henry says she is finding more people ready to travel again. Whether it’s to a breathtaking destination or reuniting with family, it seems there’s been a push to return to normal.

Stephanie Ortmann flew from Houston to see her family in Knoxville. She says there was a lot of hand-sanitizing and signs saying to keep distance from people.

“All the airlines have done such a good job of keeping everyone safe from the virus,” said Ortmann.

Working with an agent to book your travel can help you find places with good cancellation policies if travel becomes restricted again.

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