If there’s one thing I’ve learned in years of travelling, whether if by myself or with friends, that would be optimising my expenses. When you’re on holiday, it’s quite easy to let excitement take over your rationality when it comes to budgeting, but with a few minor precautions, you will definitely be able to save yourself some money. Let’s analyse how to optimise your holiday expenses.
Set A Daily Budget
If you’re planning on going on holiday for a couple of weeks, and especially if your destination is renowned for being expensive, setting up a daily budget for what concerns food, drinks and stuff to do is essential. The budget should also cover critical eventualities such as illnesses or anything like that, so you should properly plan it.
Look For Free Museums
If you’re visiting an artistic city such as Rome, you should know that the vast majority of the museums aren’t free to enter. With this being said, especially if you’re visiting the city on a budget, picking the free entry museums is a priority which you should keep in mind when planning your itinerary.
Technology Is Your Friend
If there’s one thing which actually helped me a lot every single time I travelled, that would be my smartphone. With many apps like the Dines app, offering restaurant deals, I was able to save a lot (and I mean A LOT) of money. In the end, using your maps, guides and the internet in general to find cheaper places is absolutely fair and it’s something which MUST be done.
How To Stay On Target
As said above, especially when the travelling euphoria hits, it’s easy to go on a massive spending spree and waste, therefore, a lot of money but, in order to stay on target with your daily budgets when on holiday, you should plan it with a slightly higher threshold, just to make sure you’re going to respect it.