St. Augustine’s unemployment rate increases, but the jobs are there

Amy Flowers is the owner of Max Labor Staffing in St. Augustine, where she said she is having "the worst" time in 13 years filling open employment positions.

Amy Flowers, owner of Max Labor Staffing in St. Augustine, has enough jobs to fill; she just doesn’t have enough applicants willing to take them.

Flowers, who owns the St. Augustine franchise and another in Jacksonville, said it’s the worst she’s seen the temp agency market in her 13 years in the business.

“We just don’t know on any given day if anyone will walk through our door looking for work,” Flowers said in an interview Tuesday with The Record.

Florida’s financial pain:Could linger as jobless claims jump

St. Johns County unemployment rate: Lowest in the state as Florida dips to 6.1%

According to January employment statistics from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, the unemployment rate in Northeast Florida was at 4.5%, with St. Johns at 3.5%, the lowest rate among area counties.
