The 6th annual Works Outdoor Job Fair is March 30 at Union Point Park

Union Point Park is the site for the 6th annual Works Outdoor Job Fair on March 30.

If getting a job is your goal, then the 6th annual Craven Works Outdoor Job Fair should be your destination.

The Craven 100 Alliance, in partnership with NC Works Career Center, will provide a variety of employers at Union Point Park on March 30, beginning at noon and continuing until 5:30 p.m.

But, it takes some advance preparation.

Pre-registration is required. If you have a resume, you can be pre-matched with registered employers prior to the event.

Those seeking a  job will get an email with a pre-matched list of registered employers, based on the resume. 

Click here to pre-register

For assistance with a resume or to be pre-matched with an employer, email NCWorks Career Center – Craven at [email protected].

“We are thrilled to be able to offer this wonderful opportunity to our Craven County community,” said Reeshema Walker, the center manager at NC Works Career Center. “2020 was a difficult year for so many, but there are several opportunities available that offer tremendous growth and stability. Craven County continues to grow and we are working hard to place good people in good jobs so we will keep moving forward.”
