Getting back to nature is something you should consider if you feel burnt out or down. Many experts believe that spending time in nature is a natural way of maintaining good mental health. Many researchers have looked into the health benefits of spending time outside and one study found that daily exposure to nature can reduce stress and improve self-esteem. Reconnecting with nature can also make you more present in the moment and mindful.
Fishing is one of the activities that you can do outside and comes with many health benefits. These benefits can be felt if you are a weekend hobby fisher or a match angler. It is important that you know the reasons why fishing is good for you – all the more reason to book that dream fishing holiday in France.
Keeping You Fit
When you go fishing, all of the main muscles groups, as well as the heart and lungs, are going to be worked. It is recommended that you choose a fishing spot that is around a 10 to 15-minute walk away from your home as this will boost your aerobic workout. Strength is needed for casting off and reeling in all of the fish that you catch.
If you are going to be fishing larger fish, you will use even more strength. Reeling in will engage the shoulders, arms, back, legs and core to create an active workout. This means that you get a full body workout without having to go to the gym.
Increasing Your Vitamin D
Being outside will help your body to top up your critical vitamin D reserves. Vitamin D is important because it helps to regulate the calcium and phosphate in your body. It will also help to keep your bones and teeth healthy while boosting the immune system. In terms of mental health, it has been linked to fighting depression.
Improving Your Concentration
When you are outside and taking notice of your surroundings, you will be improving your ability to concentrate. This has been proven by research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Spending time under the trees or taking a walk in nature will change your brain and help improve your concentration levels.
Reducing Stress
Approximately 40% of all adults will lie awake at night because of stress. However, being close to the water will lower your anxiety levels and will increase feelings of calm. There are a lot of charities who have realised this and have started to make use of the therapeutic benefits of fishing to help treat PTSD.
Fishing With Friends
Regardless of your age, you will be able to join an angling club which makes you part of a community. This could be through the simple greeting of other anglers or through competitions. When you join a club, you can participate as much or as little as you want. However, you will be surrounded by people who share an interest and you can make some new friends this way.
Improving Self-Esteem
Fishing is all about personal goals and when you achieve these goals, you will get a boost to your self-esteem. This is something that everyone will enjoy regardless of their age. Every angler will remember the first time they caught a fish.
Fishing is also a great skill that can be passed on. Parents and grandparents can take their children to the local canal and show them how to catch a fish. Spending time with your family is also important as it will promote feelings of wellbeing and this makes fishing a great activity for the whole family.
Allowing You to Unplug
Most people will look at fishing over the weekend, but this is something that you can do after work along the canals as well. When you do this, you are leaving your computer and emails at work while getting away from your tablet or console. You also allow your eyes to rest as you look at the water instead of a screen.